Personal portfolio

Documentation below


Documentation still in progress - Edited 28.03.2023

Source code

This website was created as a part of my portfolio to showcase my skills as a front-end developer. The project was completed in March 2023 using a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

The goal of this website is to provide an overview of my experience, skills, and projects, as well as to serve as a platform for potential clients and employers to learn more about my work. The design is focused on simplicity, usability, and visual appeal, with a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Figma
  • Unsplash
  • Fontawesome
  • Flaticon
  • Github pages


For this project, I used a pre-built layout called Spectral from the website HTML5UP. The layout provided a strong foundation for the project and allowed me to focus on the design and functionality aspects. Overall, the Spectral layout was an excellent starting point for the project, and allowed me to create a functional portfolio site with ease.

  • Landing
  • Introduction
  • Skills
  • Protfolio
  • CTA
  • Footer

Design & Development process

In the design process, I began by simplifying the page from the layout. I then brainstormed the theme for the website and decided to go with a space-themed design, while not making it too overwhelming.

I found a cool space image and used it as a background of the site. From there, I created a color palette that matched the background. I wanted to keep the colors pretty dark and deep with contrast of clean white. I also played around with blur on the background for some depth of field.





Cta & Footer